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Laboratory Experts
Genemarkers utilizes the ThermoFisher COVID-19 TaqPath PCR assay for SARS-Cov-2 RNA testing. This assay tests for 3 separate COVID-19 genes: S-gene, N-gene, and ORF1ab.
The testing results (pattern of reactivity) of the TaqPath assay can be used as a reasonably reliable marker to detect patient infected with the recently emerging UK variant (B.1.1.7) SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Weekly Reports
We can provide you with screening report outcomes which will include:
A Comprehensive number of employees screened
A Comprehensive number of employees with mild to severe symptoms
A Comprehensive number of employees with no symptoms
Ongoing Support
Support will be provided on an as needed basis. We are here to serve our Community!
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